Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Top 5 Things We Want in Star Wars: The Old Republic, But Probably Won't Get

Lucasarts and Bioware have just announced Star Wars: The Old Republic. The game is set 300 years after the amazing role playing game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The new game will be a MMO where hundreds of thousands of gamers will get to live out their Star Wars lives in a time long before Darth Vader was even a glimmer in Shmi Skywalker's eyes.

We all love Star Wars. We all want to live in that galaxy far, far away.

So here are the "Top 5 Things We Want to Do in Star Wars: The Old Republic, But Probably Won't Get to Do".

1. Create a Yoda-type character. Who doesn't want to be short, green, and walk around with a cane. Not to mention you can kick some serious Sith booty with your off the Midi-chlorian chart Force powers.

Why this won't happen: No one even knows what species Yoda is, so creating an opportunity to have an entire race of them would probably not be allowed by "The Bearded-One".

2. Own your own Millenium Falcon. "The fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy" is also the baddest ship in the Star Wars Universe. You'll need to start off with a standard YT-1300 Light Freighter and then apply your own "special modifications" to upgrade your ship.

Why this won't happen: Modifying your ship in the original KOTORs didn't happen, so don't count on it in this one.

3. Assassinate Jar Jar Binks' great, great, great, great, grandpa. Jar Jar is by far the most unnecessary and most annoying character George Lucas ever created. So being able to eliminate his ancestor would be nice. No Grandpa Jar Jar, no Jar Jar.

Why this won't happen: Killing off Grandpa Jar Jar, would be nice, but then Lucas would probably use Boss Nass in place of Jar Jar in Episode I, so is it really worth it?

4. Have a Rancor as a pet. It's been reported that you will travel with a couple of companions while you play the game, so why can't one be a giant monster that can eat your enemies in one big bite?

Why this won't happen: How's he going to fit on your tricked out YT-1300?

5. Become so powerful that you start your own "Grand Empire of the Republic!" Obviously you'll start off small as a humble youngling in the Jedi Temple. But you'll progress and turn to the Dark Side during your teen years. Then you can become an intern for a Senator from Naboo, then assassinate the Senator to take their place, then get elected Chancellor of the Senate, then declare yourself Grand Chancellor, then start a private war with another Sith character, then create a clone army to command, then . . . you get the idea.

Why this won't happen: Do you really think anyone could pull that off?

As of right now only a PC version has been announced. We can only hope that an 360 or PS3 version is released as well.